Sunday reflection 20 December 2020

Dear Friends, welcome to the third Sunday in Advent. 

Dear friends, welcome to our Nativity Sunday service and our first streamed service. To participate in the service live you can either go to the website – or 

At the bottom of this introduction you will also find the connections to both the Christmas Eve service and the service on January 3rd – these are the three services agreed by the Kirk Session to stream as a trial, as we develop our technology and, more importantly, try to reach as many people as possible with our worship time, especially through the Christmas season. 

Those of you who receive this as a paper copy should also receive the ser-vice for the 27th of December – Merry Christmas!! Those on email will have that sent, with the Zoom link, during the week. 

Paula Pinda has sent an email thanking all those who supported Crossreach this year and the time given to Heart for Art. She and Maureen send their love and look forward to better days ahead. 

Santa wasn’t able to give away as many toys as usual at Broomhill Hyndland Church this year. He had lots left over and asked if we would give the spare toys to some other boys and girls in Glasgow. We were happy to donate 25 books and toys to the Evening Times Toy Appeal and hope this takes some pressure off the hard working mums, dads and guardians who are facing an uncertain Festive period due to the Covid-19 crisis. The Bank On Us Toy Appeal works with toy banks and children’s charities to ensure that every child in Glasgow wakes up to a gift on Christmas Day. Thanks for your help in this. 

As promised, here are the links to the streamed Christmas Eve/Watchnight Service and the first service of the New Year. 

Watchnight Service – Dec 24, 7pm – 

Sunday Service – Jan 3, 10:30am – 

Broadcast of each should begin shortly before the service gets underway. 

The streams can be watched via smartphone, tablet, PC or devices that have the YouTube App. It will also be available via the church website at Each service can be watched live as it happens or will be available to watch again at any time via the same links. This will enable the Watchnight service to be watched at 7pm, 11.30pm or whatever time you choose. 

My thanks to Gary McQueen and the Communications Team for setting this up and the Heathers who are working the cameras. 

The Manse family are now, out of isolation and we wish you all the experience of Jesus Christ being born in you once more. 

Every Blessing, 


Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 20 December 2020 (PDF):-