Broomhill Hyndland Parish Church

Church of Scotland

West End, Glasgow

Welcome to the website of Broomhill Hyndland Church of Scotland

Broomhill Hyndland Parish Church is situated in the west end of Glasgow, Scotland, with a busy and active congregation of more than 400 members.

Further details on the church, our services and activities are available on this website but we are always delighted to provide more information if required.

Enjoy your visit to our website!


Click play button above to watch our introductory video

Learn more about Broomhill Hyndland

Junior Church

We have a range of groups for young people meeting on a Sunday morning, from toddlers to teenagers and beyond

Services this month

Our Sunday morning services at held in our Naseby Park Sanctuary whilst our fortnightly midweek service is held in Hyndland Community Halls

Heart for Art

Opportunities for people living with dementia and their carers to build artistic skills and raise confidence, as well as providing access to support and advice

Live Church Service broadcasts - Watch again

Sunday 8 December 2024

Sunday 27 October 2024


Broomhill Hyndland - In Numbers

Worship services each month
Members of Broomhill Hyndland Church
Groups meeting every week
0 +
Homes in Broomhill Hyndland parish

Ask us for further information