Sunday reflection 3 January 2021

Dear friends, a Blessed New Year to you all.

We enter a New Year full of hope and optimism that there are more vac-cines available and that this virus, which has caused so much heartache, will eventually come to an end.

Since we are still in the Christmas season, Epiphany not until the 5th or the 6th depending on your tradition, I want to thank all those who helped make our Christmas services so special. We were fortunate to have our first two streamed services before Level 4 was re-introduced on Boxing Day. The Nativity Sunday was a great joy, particularly from Junior Church and their News Item Story of the Birth.

How they managed to produce something so inventive in such a short period of time was truly remarkable. Well done to the children and the staff for the production. Our second streamed service was Watchnight and I under-stand from Gordon that there were innumerable hits, indicating much suc-cess there, from the comfort of your homes. Again, my thanks to the Communications Team and the Heathers who organised how we would stream the services.

Level 4 means that our next streamed service will possibly be the 24th but we cannot guarantee this. It would be good to gather once more on the 17th in Naseby but we will await the advice from the Scottish Government.
In our prayers please remember the Whyte family for the funeral that took place recently for George Whyte, and Mary Linton whose funeral will take place on Wednesday 6th.

With much thinking about streaming, the words ‘time like an ever rolling stream’ came back into mind. Time marches on and we must look forward for better times this New Year.

As always, I thank all of you who have journeyed with me and worked so hard at doing your best for Broomhill Hyndland and Jesus Christ Himself.

To Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega, and the beginning of new things to come, every good wish,


Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 3 January 2021 (PDF):-