News & Events

‘What did you teach?‘ is a question that I am often asked, when people find out that I was a secondary school teacher. I leave them to guess, but it really should be obvious that my subject was Religious Education.
Pastoral letters
“You can tell a manse garden a mile away.” This was a comment made by a colleague and a friend who worked on the then, Ministries Council, at the beloved headquarters, 121. I discovered that she wasn’t being complementary. For
Pastoral letters
Having worked in the Retail Trade in a previous life, how supermarkets interact and attract their customers always intrigues me, there is a lot of psychology going on. A number of supermarkets put fresh produce at the door, so that
Pastoral letters
‘Where did you go on your break?’ The expectation, of course, was Italy, or at least somewhere warm, which wouldn’t be hard living in Scotland. Yes, somewhere where the sun shines daily, the temperature in the low 20’s, the sea
Pastoral letters
A Service of Thanksgiving is to be held this Wednesday 7 February at 7.00pm at our Kingsborough Sanctuary on Hyndland Road ahead of the new ownership of the building taking effect. This service will mark more than a century of
‘It’s always been…’ A phrase common to Scotland. ‘It’s always been like that, so why should it be changed? A variation is of course, ‘ If it ‘aint broke don’t fix it’ but it suggests the similar principle of the
Pastoral letters
The radio is on in the car……and even although it is still November, Christmas songs blare out. To be honest, I am not feeling full of the Christmas joy and ‘Ho, ho, ho.’ Remembrance Sunday has just passed, as well
Pastoral letters
‘You are on mute,’ is a regular expression of exasperation on zoom calls. It can be rectified, of course, by the click of a mouse. But being on ‘mute’ when people want to hear what you have to say isn’t
Pastoral letters