Dear friends,
Welcome to another Sunday service.
We are very close to the beginning of Lent, a time that encourages us to look inward to help us look outward. In the news this week was the death of a man who looked outward to help others – Sir Tom Moore. His efforts in older age were truly remarkable and a reminder of how little steps can make such a difference in the world that we live in.
We seem also to be making little steps in the vaccine progress. It is quite uplifting when, in conversation with some of you, the chat begins with ‘I’ve had my jag.’
The quicker the better, I say, in making our world a safer place.
In our services on Zoom we are trying to make progress. A few Sunday’s ago we introduced the words of the hymns: this Sunday, if it works techno-logically, Razvan will be more on board – again little steps.
In our prayers this Sunday locally we remember the funerals to take place of Alex Hutcheon on February 8th; Jean Gillies on February 18th and Margaret Hamilton on February 19th. Please remember all the families in your prayers.
As always, I want to thank all of you for your part in our Church community.
As the recent advert suggests ‘roll up your sleeves’ – thanks to all who have done so.
Every blessing,
Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 7 February (PDF):-