Dear Friends,
Welcome to another Sunday time of worship and, unbelievably, the last Sunday in May. May has been a particularly wet month but on Thursday perhaps there was a hint of things to come!
Next Sunday is our June Communion service and, as intimated over the past few weeks and agreed by the Kirk Session, we can celebrate the Lord’s Supper in the Naseby Park Sanctuary. Once again, though there is no numbers cap, you still have to book, but please come along, as we make progress in our having fellowship together. Remember to bring your own bread!
We have continued the tea fellowship at the close of worship, allowing quiet communication, as long as you remain in your seat and be served! This Sunday is also the last Zoom service in the evening. We will be using Zoom in different ways but the Kirk Session feel it is time that we make further steps towards the gathering of more worshippers on a Sunday. As recorded at the recent Kirk Session, we give thanks for the tremendous technological support from Amanda Heather keeping us on the ball.
Our Newsletter is out now, for June, July and August but it is our intention to return to the Church Magazine hopefully in September. This Wednesday coming, Helen Munro’s funeral takes place. As always, please remember all the Munros in your prayers. Likewise, I have to announce the death of Anne Mathieson from Randolph Hill Nursing Home, Dunblane, who died on Wednesday, please hold her family and friends in prayer also.
Today is Trinity Sunday, may you know the blessing of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit this day,
Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 30 May (PDF):-