Sunday reflection 26 July 2020

Dear friends,

‘Many a true word spoken in jest’, wrote Geoffrey Chaucer in the Cook’s Tale in 1930. 

The caption has much truth to it! 

We are closer to opening the Naseby Sanctuary but despite the announcement from the Scottish Government, there is still work to be done. As has been mentioned in previous Reflections, there are many people who have done and are doing sterling work to prepare for the opening of our main wor-ship centre. 

However, if you read our Session Clerk’s com-ments, there are difficult decisions to be made and limitations to the attendance. At the time of writing this article, we are only allowed 50 people at worship: this number includes me, Razvan at the organ, duty teams and risk assessment teams which bring us down to around 40. 

We are still in the process of working out the nuts and bolts of how this will work (please read care-fully Gordon’s comments and understand the di-lemma we are in ). Can I encourage those who use our Zoom services and those with a computer to continue to do so, thus allowing those who are less adept technologically to be considered for a space at the Kirk. 

Of course I would rather we were all back in the sanctuary – that goes without saying – but at the moment this is impossible, so we are trying a three-pronged approach to try and make sure you are all connected in some way to worship. Besides the Zoom and the limited attendees, the Reflections will still be sent out. 

It is with a smirk I think of James and John arguing for the best seats in the kingdom next to Je-sus – we would take any seat just to be worshipping together. 

As I said in the last Newsletter, worship will be a bit strange: spaces will be limited, hymns will not be sung, Duty Teams will direct you to the appropriate seating and information will be given on how to exit the building. You will receive more information from our Communication team on what other things to look out for. 

As the lockdown restrictions ease, I hope that more people can attend. We are a vibrant congrega-tion, we are strong and we are capable of getting through this. 

A long contemplation of eternity has taught me to be patient. 

I ask that you be patient with me, holding each other in God’s love and we will return to the joy of a Sunday morning service, raising the rooftops in thankfulness. 

Think of the best way you can worship. 

Think on how you can help. 

Try and understand that we are following a protocol and do not have all the answers. 

And pray, yes pray, that the cartoon caption does not become a reality! 

Your friend and minister


Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 26 July 2020 (PDF):-

Rev Mackay’s weekly reflection is also accompanied by a piece from our musical director, Razvan Luculescu. This week, Razvan has chosen Schönster Herr Jesu (St Elisabeth).