Dear friends
Welcome to another Sunday. I am delighted you are with me in whatever way and that we are together, praising God as he walks with us through these troubling times.
Another week has passed which for me started with the funeral of Nan Blackstone on Monday. Like at our church services we are unable to sing at the crematoria and we know how much singing lifts our spirits. Likewise, though in a happier note, our first Wednesday service returned (WD40): the service that we have midweek to keep us going and ‘top us up‘ until the Sunday! The usual restrictions applied thanks to the organisation of the Risk Team but it was nice to be back in the Kingsborough Sanctuary. Thanks to Ann and Jane for organising a temporary screen which allowed us to reflect on the words as Donald played.
Our next virtual Kirk Session meeting is pencilled in for Wednesday 4 November, seeking approval of items that the Executive wish to bring forward. The Agenda and the Papers should be in your hands on the Monday 2nd, allowing you time to reflect on the recommendations. As indicated before, we hope to have Junior Church back by Sunday 1st November. They will be in the halls only. Sarah and the Leaders have sent out an email which gives parents and carers the appropriate guidance on how this will be done.
Remember, if you can, and as intimated last Sunday, that November is the month when Christian Aid has chosen to raise their profile after so many events had to be cancelled. Remember also in your prayers the family of Margaret Greer whose funeral takes place this coming Tuesday at Craigton Crematorium.
A reminder that articles for our Newsletter are due today!!
To all who keep working so hard and praying so hard, my thanks.
Every blessing,
Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 25 October 2020 (PDF):-