Dear friends,
Welcome to another service. For those in the Zoom service, for the
first time our worship is an evening one. This morning in Naseby we will
be able to judge how successful the first service with the building open
has been.
Please remember, if you wish a place, to phone the special number on a
Friday (07851 591 503 between 10am—3 pm) and if you have had a turn, in all kindness, allow others to attend the following week. We are fortunate to have a large congregation but the downside, of course, is the Scottish Government’s reluctance to allow places of worship to adapt their buildings whilst keeping to the social distancing measures. We are capable, more than capable, but the number picked out like a raffle ticket seems to be 50 (allowing for those who are carrying out a function) but has been restricted.
I cannot speak for other faith groups but I find this discriminatory
when other areas have been opened up.
Please remember in your prayers – the California fires, the Covid situa-
tion, the migrants attempting the dangerous crossing, the storms and the flooding…
… these are some prayer points.
Can I, as always, hold you in my thoughts and prayers knowing that God
holds you close through every day.
Your minister and friend
Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 23 August 2020 (PDF):-