Dear Friends,
Welcome to another time of worship. On Tuesday past Robert Hynd was in-stalled as the Moderator of the Presbytery of Glasgow for this year. I am quite sure Robert would like me to thank those of you who joined online to watch the proceedings. I would also like to put in writing, recorded also in our Kirk Session minutes, our thanks to the sterling work John Boyle has done over the years as a Presbytery Elder both for Broomhill and our new church, Broomhill Hyndland. John’s knowledge of fabric in particular, although he has served on other Presbytery committees, has been invaluable. As he steps down from that role, he will be missed by many far and wide in Glasgow.
The annual ‘Glasgow, the Welcoming City’ service of worship takes place on line this year on Sunday 27 June. Access details are available via
This is also the end of Refugee Week and today is World Refugee Day as we remember those seeking sanctuary from troubled lands. The Presbytery noted, ‘… with respect to the UK Government’s “New Plan for Immigration”, as a Presbytery committee we were pleased to hear that the Church of Scotland had been a signatory to two open letters: one to the Prime Minis-ter and the other to the Home Secretary, expressing deep reservations and calling, for example, for an asylum system which is effective, fair and humane instead.’ For, as the Very Rev Dr Susan Brown, convener of the Faith Impact Forum, has put it so well, ‘we need to call out this policy for what it is – xenophobic populism which exploits people’s fears of the outsider.’
The Presbytery World Mission Committee reported on the Diocese of Hy-derabad,’ A prayer appeal was circulated last month. The pandemic has had devastating effects financially on the Diocese and its work. However, they rejoice in confirmation of their EAD approval which enables funds to flow freely from support international sources. They have also launched a free clinic for the poor in Mirpurkhas and are providing 20 scholarships for Christian students with the support of Barnabas Fund UK.’
In our prayers we should remember the work of Mediterranean Hope based on the island of Lampedusa, with the tension around the highlighted refugee activity. Also in our thoughts is Claire Herbert, Chaplain to the Lodging House Mission, in hospital for a second time. Locally, we remember the friends and families of both June Watson and Sheila Proudfoot, whose funerals take place next week.
Every blessing this Father’s Day,
Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 20 June (PDF):-