Dear friends,
Welcome to another Sunday Reflection time.
You will all have heard the announcement from the Scottish Government
that places of worship are to open. Let me say that whilst the news lifted
my spirit, it has come with many restrictions, one of which is the limited
number of people who can attend.
At the moment our sanctuary in Naseby remains closed until the proper
checks and distancing measures are put in place, along with the cleaning regime afterwards and the approvals from both Presbytery and our Kirk Session. Please bear in mind that the opening of worship spaces are solely for worship when it happens. The Communication Team are writing to all hall users to keep them up to date as the opening up of our halls is further down the line.
I received a lovely phone call from a lady who thanked the Church for the
Reflections she received even though she is not a member of Broomhill
Hyndland. Many thanks to all those who continually pass these Reflections
on so that others can benefit. You are sowing the seed for God’s Kingdom –
how appropriate over the past few weeks with our Gospel Readings from
Jill will also be sending out a second little booklet of prayers and poems
called, ‘Postcards’. Like the first one it is based on the daily text prayers
some of the congregation and others receive.
As always, take care.
Sow the seeds. Spread the message. With every blessing
Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 19 July 2020 (PDF):-
Rev Mackay’s weekly reflection is also accompanied by a piece from our musical director, Razvan Luculescu. This week, Razvan has chosen Mascagni – Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana.