Dear friends
Welcome to another time of worship.
What a week it has been with the deluge of rain. It used to be a joke that the manse could do with an extension. A couple of weeks ago I was tempted to ask for air-conditioning and now, when I look out, I have a swimming pond in my garden! The Scottish weather – all seasons in one day.
Today is the first Sunday when no booking for a space will have taken place. Whilst we cautiously remind the congregation to keep a degree of social distance, this is another opportunity for you all to gather in the Kirk once more. I want to thank both Angie and Carol for keeping the phone lines open on a Friday and longer. That hard work was appreciated.
A reminder that articles for our Magazine, which makes a return in September, are due today in the hands of our Editor and the Church Office.
Sadly I have to announce the approaching three funerals:
Wai Kin Yip of Crow Road; Colina Desport, Beechwood Drive; and one of our own members, Robert Limond, Churchill Drive. Please remember Christine and all the families at this time.
Every blessing on this new day and new week, with new opportunities to know God better.
Click to download weekly reflection for Sunday 15 August (PDF):-