News & Events

Dear friends, Welcome to another Sunday in our Lenten journey. This morning we also welcome Kevin Cannon, who is going through the Discernment Process. Kevin will be participating in the service and personally I am looking forward to that. Thanks
Weekly Reflections
Dear friends, Welcome to another Sunday service, on this the fourth Sunday in Lent and also Mothering Sunday. Thanks to all who are participating in the Junior Church 21 for 21 challenge. Junior Church are doing well, introducing a warm
Weekly Reflections
Dear friends, Welcome to another Sunday service. This year, with Junior Church meeting by Zoom for most of the time, we decided our usual fundraiser would have be very different: coffee after the church service will not work on Zoom!
Weekly Reflections
Dear friends, Welcome to another Sunday service, on the Second Sunday in Lent. In Florence’s Uffizi Gallery on the way to David, Michelangelo’s master-piece, you pass among unfinished sculpture works by the same artist. They are called Prigionieri, the prisoners,
Weekly Reflections
Dear friends, Welcome to another Sunday service. A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5, and Ryan, 3. The boys began to argue who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw an opportunity for a lesson. “If
Weekly Reflections
Dear friends,  Welcome to another Sunday service.  This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the day we step into our Lenten journey towards Easter. I wonder if it could have been the Bible which gave us the link between mountain tops
Weekly Reflections
Dear friends, Welcome to another Sunday service. We are very close to the beginning of Lent, a time that encourages us to look inward to help us look outward. In the news this week was the death of a man
Weekly Reflections
Dear friends,  Welcome to another Sunday and time of worship in our homes and in our hearts.  Over the past few weeks we have tried to develop our Zoom services and put the words of the hymns on the screen
Weekly Reflections